Riverside Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

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Riverside Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney

Suffering from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a life-altering experience that can lead to permanent disabilities, emotional distress, and significant financial burdens. If you or someone you know has experienced a traumatic brain injury due to someone else’s negligence, you deserve an advocate in a Riverside traumatic brain injury lawyer who understands the complexity of these cases.

Why Choose Corrales Law Group?

At Corrales Law Group, we represent TBI victims throughout Riverside, California. We know that brain injury claims can be uniquely complex, requiring extensive medical knowledge, legal assistance, and a personalized approach to ensure justice is served. Whether your injury was caused by a car accident, fall, or act of violence, we are here to stand up for your rights, fight for fair compensation, and help you navigate the legal process with confidence.

We treat every personal injury case with compassion, return all client communications within 24 hours, and offer free consultations, including in-home visits for clients with disabilities or transportation challenges. We pride ourselves on providing you with honesty, transparency, and accessibility.

Understanding Traumatic Brain Injuries

A traumatic brain injury occurs when a sudden external force damages the brain, often resulting in long-term cognitive, physical, and emotional impairments. TBIs can be as mild as mild concussions to as intense as severe brain trauma that causes permanent disabilities or death. These injuries typically fall into two categories:

  • Closed brain injuries. These occur when the brain is injured without penetration of the skull. Common causes include car accidents, sports injuries, and falls.
  • Open brain injuries. These happen when an external object penetrates the skull, such as in a gunshot wound or assault with a blunt object.

Although closed brain injuries are typically less apparent at first glance than open brain injuries, they are nonetheless capable of causing severe damage. This includes cerebral hemorrhage, which refers to bleeding within or around the brain, as well as diffuse axonal injury, which refers to damage that occurs throughout several regions of the brain.

Common Causes of Traumatic Brain Injuries

TBI incidents can happen under many circumstances. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Falls. Especially among older adults and children, falls are one of the leading causes of traumatic brain injuries.
  • Car accidents. Motor vehicle collisions are another major contributor, particularly when high-speed impacts are involved.
  • Sports injuries. Contact sports such as football, boxing, or wrestling are frequent sources of concussions and other brain injuries.
  • Violence. Assaults and gunshot wounds often result in severe brain injuries that may lead to long-term physical and psychological challenges.

Proving a Brain Injury Claim in Riverside, CA

Proving liability in a TBI case can be challenging, but with an experienced legal team on your side, it’s possible to build a strong case. To succeed in a traumatic brain injury claim in Riverside, you must demonstrate the following:

  • Negligence. You must prove that another party acted negligently or recklessly, causing the injury. This could be a driver failing to follow traffic laws, a property owner neglecting safety hazards, or a company producing defective products.
  • Injury. You’ll need to show that the brain injury occurred as a direct result of the negligence and provide evidence of the impact on your life.
  • Causation. It is essential to establish a direct link between the negligent act and your injury. Testimony from medical professionals is often required to confirm the cause and severity of the injury.

Professional Witnesses

Professional witnesses are essential in many traumatic brain injury claims because they can attest to the injury and how it affected the victim’s life. Professionals in medicine, like neurologists and neurosurgeons, can testify about the severity of the damage and any probable long-term consequences.

Neuropsychologists can assess the injury’s effects on cognition and emotion, and life care planners can assist in estimating the lifetime costs of care for victims who have persistent disabilities.

Damages You Can Recover in a Brain Injury Claim

If you or someone you know suffered a traumatic brain injury due to someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to recover both economic and non-economic damages, including:

  • Economic damages. Medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, future loss of earning potential, home care, and future medical care. These expenses are easily quantifiable.
  • Non-economic damages. Physical pain and emotional suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and disability-related compensation. These damages do not come with an easily identifiable price tag but are often determined by discretion.

FAQs About Riverside, CA Traumatic Brain Injury Laws

What Is the Average Settlement for a Traumatic Brain Injury Claim?

TBI cases can have quite different settlement values depending on the degree of the damage, the long-term consequences, and the incident circumstances. Settlements consider elements including medical bills, lost income, and suffering. Every case is different; hence, settlement values represent the particular elements of the damage and how it affects the victim’s life.

What Is the Life Expectancy of Someone With a TBI?

Traumatic brain injury affects a person’s life expectancy in numerous ways: degree of damage, age, and general state of health. While more severe TBIs, particularly those producing permanent disability, can lower life expectancy, mild TBIs may not have any effect at all. Results may also be significantly impacted by one’s ability to obtain quality medical care and rehabilitation.

What Should I Not Say to Someone With a TBI?

Sayings like “You seem fine,” “You’ll get over it,” or “Just try harder” should not be used to someone who has had a traumatic brain injury. These words have the power to downplay their difficulties and discredit their experiences.

Instead, show compassion, tolerance, and understanding while acknowledging that brain injuries frequently have long-term, hidden consequences, including exhaustion, memory problems, or emotional difficulties that are not immediately apparent.

How Much Can I Get for a Brain Injury?

The amount you can get for a brain injury is contingent upon a number of criteria, including the extent of the injury, its long-term consequences, medical costs, missed income, and emotional anguish. Non-economic damages like physical pain and emotional suffering and economic damages like medical expenses may be covered by compensation. A suitable settlement amount is determined by evaluating each case separately.

Contact Corrales Law Group

If you or a close friend or relative has undergone a traumatic brain injury due to someone else’s actions, you may be entitled to compensation. Corrales Law Group can help you. Contact us today for more information.

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